Friday, July 23, 2010

In the beginning... Ziplock

Product review- zipper storage bags
Naughty list: target brand and hefty
Love list: Publix brand
To be used soon: Ziplock

I made the mistake of buying Target brand zipper bags. It's near impossible to get them zipped on the first try. I have them in gallon and sandwich sizes. I keep diapers, wipes, breast bars, and a burp rag in a gallon size in my purse. I can't stand carrying around a huge diaper bag and my purse is plenty large to fit my essential baby needs. Although in no way attractive, the zip bag keeps these few items easy to grab. Well, when it won't zip, it's just more junk floating around my purse. Aggravating!

Hefty: the slider falls off. Enouggh said.

Publix: inexpensive and zips. It does its job. Praise the Lord!

Ziplock: I bought these because of the "Ziplock" reputation. Let's be real: who calls these things "zipper storage bags." No one. They're called ziplocks. Just like a tissue is a Kleenex and a Coke is a soda. Synonymous.
The box is still sealed because I have to use up my crappy target zip locks first, grrrr! There aren't many things that I will try, hate, and instantly dispose of. Which brings us to another product review.

"sharp cheddar" flavored cheese product in a squeezy bottle. Not much else needs to be said. I should have known. But I bought it when I was in the throws of my cheese cravings while pregnant. I just pulled it out last night. I thought better of it while I was pregnant but figured I should give it a try. I had made curly fries and though they'd be good dipped in "cheese" like at Wings Plus. Nope! Not at all the same! I threw the bottle right into the garbage can, and that was that! No guilt in that waste. Except I should have known. I should have leftist sealed and donated it to a food drive. Surely someone who like that stuff... Would have been excited to have it.

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