Monday, July 26, 2010

2 down, 10 to go...

Months of breast feeding that is... I don't know if I'm going to make it. Of course I will, but I will whine about it along the way. I feel like a year of anything is a long time. A year without margaritas for instance. I had two of my own delicioso concoctions last night. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! I've had several margaritas since having Collin, but only one at a time. Two was too much! I had enjoyed them over a few hours time accompanied by a potato cake (an experiment with left ofer mashed potatoes from the night before, panko bread crumbs, oil and my non stick skillet) and chips and salsa. All very scrumptious yet the perfect ingredients for a belly ache. By the time I went to bed I was feeling fine, praise the good Lord :) however... I think perhaps my enjoyment may have lead to my little precious urping up 15 mins worth of breast milk all over himself, me, 2 pillows and the couch. I couldn't help but laugh at the terribly gross situation. There was no rewind button to push and being puked on is what early mother hood is all about right? I got up slowly and gathered at many soiled items as I could, including Collin, and toted it all to the bathroom for a good wipe down/toss into the tub. There is still crap in the tub that I will get to laundering after I turn my prerecorded Today show back on and do some exercising. Or perhaps it would be more efficient to put the laundry in first as to do two things at once...

I need to shave my legs.

Tomorrow Collin gets his first round of shots. He is a very sting boy. I know he'll be fine. Anytime he gets bopped accidentally he starts and stops crying by the time I've counted to 5. So masculine! I love it :)

And on a slightly different note, I have several hundred size 1 diapers that Bruiser Bear has out grown. There is a place called "baby posh garage" (a consignment store) that will do an even exchange for the size you need. It is in Aventura though. I really don't want to drive all the way down there to find out that they don't have enough size 2's for me to dump all my 1's. Plus I'd feel a little weird going in there just for that but I currently am on a spending lock down and really haven't a need for anymore baby items. My house is overflowing with crap already.

Which brings me to my next subject: prayer. I constantly pray for hurricane season to ramp itself up so that my wonderful hubby can go clean up the aftermath. Bottom line is I pray for opportunities for the business to grow so that I might have the chance to stay at home with my Grumpy Bumpkin. Yes, after my first birthing experience I still think I want 4 kids. I think I want to homeschool those kids. Of course I have nothing against the traditional school system, but as a wise homeschooling mother once said, and I paraphrase, "I want to teach my children because I want to be there when they learn new things and see the light in their eyes when they grasp a new concept." I get that now. Ahhhhhhhhh Mrs. Kalehoff. I bet none of you who know her or me would have ever have guessed that I would want to follow in her footsteps. Obviously I don't want to be exactly like her.... But I will leave it at that.

Now onto laundry....meh.

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